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Fawzia Gilani-Williams

Author, International Educator, Storyteller

Please email fawzia gilani @ to arrange a visit. 


1. Storytime with Activity: Stories are read using a PowerPoint accompanied with a follow-on activity. Duration: 60 mins.

2. Creative Writing: I send a pack to schools prior to the session which allows children to write stories in class or at home. In this interactive session, I model how to write a story. Students share the stories that they have written.  Duration: 1 - 2 hours

3. Mirror Books and Window Books: This interactive presentation with activities promotes critical thinking and identity awareness. It informs librarians, teachers and students about the importance of mirror books and window books. It shows the effect of what can happen if children are only given window books.  Duration: 40 to 60 mins.

4. Ramadan Mubarak! This session introduces children to short Ramadan stories with follow on activities such as craft activities, recipes and songs. Duration: 60 mins.

5. Eid Kareem! This session introduces children to short Eid stories with follow on activities such as craft activities, recipes and songs. Duration: 40 to 60 mins.

6. Islamic Fairy Tales: This session focuses on four stories - Cinderella, Snow WhiteSleeping Beauty and Rapunzel. Excerpts are read from these tales. There is discussion on why these traditional English fairy tales were adapted and what sections were changed from the original versions. This is followed by a question and answer session. Duration: 1 - 2 hours

7. Islamic Critical Theory

8. Action Research